Conquer Each and Every Day
Questions are a powerful tool that open up the mind to think about what is possible.
They create curiosity, force us to dig deeper and bring what we know to the surface. Asking questions drive reactions, and these aha moments lead to innovations and breakthroughs.
Start of Day Questions
1. Who am I? Start your day with three to four affirmations. What you say to yourself about yourself impacts your beliefs and your actions. Be clear on who you are.
2. Who and what do I have to be grateful for? Write a list of things that you have to be grateful for in your life. This can be a list of the most important things and people in your life or you can reflect on anything that happened in the last 24 hours since you wrote your last list.
3. What’s most important right now? This question helps you determine the highest and best use of your time during the day. Once you decide what’s most important, create your action plan by answering these two follow up questions:
What are the three most important outcomes for today? Write them as if they have already happened. This helps you visualize success.
Who do I need to connect with and why? Who are the people that can help you get closer to achieving your goals? Connect with them.
End of Day Questions:
4. What were my wins? It’s important to always have wins during the day. Some days those wins are obvious and abundant, like if your day exceeded your expectations or everything went exactly as you planned. Other days it may feel like nothing went as planned, but you always must search for that win. Maybe the outcomes were not what you expected, but perhaps you had amazing quality time with people? Or, maybe you stepped outside of your comfort zone and you did something for the first time? Finding a win every day has a positive impact on your motivation and performance. Always find a win.
5. What were today’s losses and how can I improve? Acknowledge the loss and have a five-second funeral. What didn’t go as planned and had a less than favorable outcome? Shift your energy to think about how you can improve the next time that situation occurs.
6. What did I learn today and how will I apply it? Schedule 30 minutes into your calendar to feed your brain with knowledge. Reflect on something you listened to, read, watched or were told during the day. Make that knowledge stick by writing down what you learned from it and how you will apply it.
The Bedtime Question
7. What are the phenomenal things I want to experience in my life this year? This list is curated from the list of things you want for your health, wealth, relationships, adventure and personal growth. These are the reasons that drive you and inspire great dreams.
Commit to when you are going to make time in your calendar to answer these questions and do this at the same time every day. The morning questions can be done as part of your morning routine, the evening questions can be scheduled at the end of your workday or as part of your evening routine before you go to bed. Whatever you decide, make time in your calendar to journal.
Decide where you are writing these answers down (your phone, a blank notebook, etc…).
Share this post with someone that will benefit from doing this exercise on a daily basis with you. Sharing the answers with each other creates accountability and allows us to celebrate each other’s wins.