Janet Miller | Coach

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Visualize Your Future Self

What you say to yourself about yourself determines what you believe, what you do and what you achieve

Visualize and imagine your future self. Describe that person. Surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you to be that better version of yourself. What you say to yourself about yourself impacts your beliefs which in turn impacts your actions and ultimately the results that you produce.

Words Matter

It’s important to think carefully about the words you choose to describe yourself. Treat yourself with that same level of kindness and encouragement you offer to others. Always be supportive and positive when talking to yourself and about yourself.

Gratitude and Affirmations

Reflect on your goals and what you want. Who do you need to be to achieve those results? How is that different from who you are now?

  1. Every morning write in your journal a list of 3-5 positive affirmations to clarify and visualize your future self. To do so, complete the sentence: “I am…” Use powerful words that you define that best version of yourself.

  2. Next, write your gratitude list. You decide and acknowledge who and what you are grateful for. Make both of these habits part of your morning routine.

Banish Negative Thoughts

Don’t be hard on yourself when something doesn’t go your way or you are not happy with yourself. Instead, pause, take a deep breath, and reframe it. If you aren’t good at something you may think, “I suck at … or I don’t know how to..” What if you were to add a “right now” or “yet” at the end of that negative statement? Reframe those negative thoughts. It makes a difference.

You can also rework the entire statement “In order to be good at ___ I need to ___.” Imagine what it looks like when you are good at that thing. Accept that it’s ok to lean on others and ask for help to be successful.