Janet Miller | Coach

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10 Rules to Build Wealth in 2024

In the pursuit of financial prosperity, it's crucial to have a well-thought-out plan and a set of guiding principles. Building wealth is not an overnight endeavor, but rather a journey that requires diligence, strategy, and a commitment to making smart financial decisions. As we approach 2024, it's the perfect time to assess your financial goals and implement a solid wealth-building strategy. Here are ten rules to help you build wealth in the upcoming year.

Rule 1: Have Multiple Sources of Income (Active and Passive)

To bolster your financial standing, it's essential to diversify your sources of income. Don't rely solely on your earned commission. Explore opportunities for both active and passive income streams. Consider additional income from agent referrals, team members, downlines, ancillary services, investments, and rental properties. By spreading your income sources, you mitigate financial risk and increase your potential for wealth accumulation.

Rule 2: Know Your Costs

Understanding your financial obligations is paramount. Take a close look at how much it costs to run both your business and personal life each month. This knowledge will enable you to make informed decisions about your expenses and identify areas where you can cut costs or allocate resources more efficiently.

Rule 3: Set Your Operating Budget

Creating a detailed operating budget is the foundation of financial success. Allocate specific percentages of your income to different categories, such as marketing (10%), salaries (15%), and total operating costs (30-33%). This disciplined approach ensures that you have a clear financial roadmap for the year ahead.

Rule 4: Set Your Personal Goals for 2024

Determine how much you want to increase your savings, reduce your debt, invest in specific assets, and donate to charitable causes. Having clear objectives helps you stay motivated and focused on your financial journey.

Rule 5: Distribute Commission Dollars Wisely

When you receive a commission cheque, it's essential to allocate the dollars strategically. Consider dividing your commission income into different accounts in your business, allocating 30% to business operations, 30% to taxes, and 40% for personal use. This approach ensures that you have funds readily available for both business needs and personal financial goals.

Rule 6: Create a 50/30/20 Plan

A simple yet effective budgeting rule is the 50/30/20 plan. Allocate 50% of your personal net income to essential needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings. This balanced approach ensures that you cover your basic expenses, enjoy some discretionary spending, and continue to build your financial reserves.

Rule 7: Upgrade Your Wealth Team

Building wealth often requires expert guidance. Consider assembling a team of financial professionals, including an accountant, bookkeeper, tax advisor, lawyer, financial planner, money manager, banker, and mentors. Their insights and expertise can help you make informed financial decisions and navigate complex financial situations.

Rule 8: Develop the Right Habits

Wealth accumulation is as much about discipline as it is about strategy. Cultivate good financial habits, such as tracking your expenses weekly, checking your account balances regularly, analyzing your profit and loss (P&L) statement monthly, and calculating your net worth on a regular basis. These habits will keep you informed and in control of your finances.

Rule 9: Keep Score - Always Know These Numbers

To build wealth effectively, you must be well-acquainted with your financial metrics. Continuously monitor revenue, gross profit, expenses, and net profit. Maintain a close eye on year-to-date actuals versus budget for each of these metrics, calculate the variance, and understand your rolling 12-month total and monthly average.

Rule 10: Create Your Definition of a Rich Life

Ultimately, building wealth should align with your vision of a prosperous life. Define what it means for you to live a rich life in terms of lifestyle, cash flow, and balance. Having a clear vision will motivate you and guide your financial decisions towards a fulfilling and prosperous future.

Building wealth in 2024 requires a combination of strategy, discipline, and a clear sense of purpose. By diversifying your income, managing your expenses wisely, setting goals, and cultivating good financial habits, you can pave the way for a prosperous financial future. Building wealth is a journey, and these ten rules can serve as your roadmap to success.